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Energy metabolism - Physiological regulation and pathological alternation
Dysregulated energy metabolism is a risk factor for many health problems like diabetes, non-alcoholic liver disease, atherosclerosis, and the development of certain cancers. The cause of metabolic alteration in these disorders involves complex interactions between different regulatory systems, and thus the underlying pathological mechanisms are still ambiguous. We are interested in studying the mechanisms of obesity- and insulin resistance-impeded metabolism. We are also keen to identify new signaling pathways that are important to muscle functions during aging and exercise. Using molecular, biochemical, metabolomics, and reverse genetic approaches, we aim to dissect the regulatory pathways that control metabolic adaptation in the liver and skeletal muscle under physiological and pathological conditions, which will ultimately lead to the development of new therapeutic agents for obesity and its related diseases.
Active projects:
1. Studying the effect of myokines in muscle aging and energy metabolism
2. Delineating the beneficial mechanism of exercise
2. Identifying novel kinases in lipid metabolism
3. Isolating small compounds from plants to treat obesity and insulin resistance
Research funding:
1. HMRF 21222301 2024-2027
Deciphering the non-autoimmune pathogenesis of inflammatory myopathies
2. HMRF 08193006 2022-2024
Characterization of a novel kinase in hepatic insulin resistance
3. RGC GRF17105921 2022-2024
Mechanistic studies of liver regeneration
4. HMRF 06171836 2019-2022
Role of myokine deficiency in muscle aging
5. RGC GRF17108618 2018-2021
Functional studies of SH3 domain binding kinase 1
6. RGC GRF17113817 2017-2020
Metabolic roles of muscle-derived BDNF ​
7. RGC ECS27100816 2016 - 2019
PIKE-A GTPase and energy metabolism

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